Our values: a humanist commitment
As a public institution of higher education, the Sorbonne Business School embraces the individual as the central value of its action. Humanist and committed by heritage and conviction, our educational ambition attaches importance to the dissemination of knowledge to as many people as possible, and to the social advancement of students.
Promoting the training of people, sharing experiences, debates, humanity, the spirit of progress, this is our driving force for today and tomorrow.
The Sorbonne Business School campaigns for equal opportunities, as evidenced by the accessibility of our training programs to as many people as possible. We believe that everyone should be able to choose their future based on their potential and merit. We advocate collective and individual success, encouraging our students to demonstrate empathy, benevolence, open-mindedness and a high sense of responsibility.
Every day, we are thus committed to the promotion of the fundamental values of diversity and inclusion, within our establishment and beyond its walls. It is with pride that we carry these values into our operations and to our community, ensuring a wide and growing dissemination: this is concretized, for example, through the dispositif SPACE which provides, in addition to an awareness, listening and support unit, 6h dedicated to the prevention of discrimination, sexist and sexual violence and harassment in training programs from the start of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Every day, we are thus more committed to sustainable development, and this is also reflected through a green policy in favor of reducing and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable resource management, waste reduction and sorting, and a responsible purchasing policy, accompanied by a drive to raise general awareness among our community.
These values are at the heart of our DNA. They contribute to our uniqueness and success even within a complex and uncertain world. Evening and Saturday courses demonstrate our commitment to encouraging professional life and lifelong learning, in line with our public service mission.