Preventing discrimination, violence against women and harassment
The Sorbonne Business School has always promoted a culture of respect, inclusion, civility and equality between people. In line with these humanist values, in 2019 our university business school is committed to a proactive policy to combat discrimination, sexist and sexual violence (SSV) and harassment, through concrete actions that affect our entire community.
After the adoption of a "Men/Women Equality" plan in 2021, this societal commitment was reaffirmed in the 2022-2024 strategic plan with the aim of incarnating a facility with the best CSR standards. One of the key focuses of the action plan is to prevent, support and deal with all forms of discrimination, harassment or sexist and sexual violence, thanks to the establishment of a dedicated unit which, since the start of the 2022 academic year, has been coordinating the SPACE "Sensibiliser-Protéger-Accompagner-Communiquer-Ecouter" prevention scheme.
- Focus on Sorbonne Business School's anti-discrimination, anti-SSV and anti-harassment unit
The Sorbonne Business School set up its anti-discrimination, anti-SSV and anti-harassment unit in spring 2022.
The cell is responsible for coordinating prevention actions, taking charge of and supporting victims, as well as handling situations.
Students and staff can request it by e-mail at the specific e-mail address: cellule.discriharcelement@iae.pantheonsorbonne.frIt consists of:
- Nathalie Lallemand-Stempak, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Sorbonne Business School in charge of societal issues;
- Pascale Stankiewicz, General Secretary of the Sorbonne Business School;
- Pierre-Emmanuelle Allain, occupational health nurse, SEST Ile-de-France.
The SPACE initiative, unique to the Sorbonne Business School, has received the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research as part of the 2021-2025 national plan to combat SSV. It is based on the constitution of a network of sentinels as resource persons, a specific information campaign and awareness-raising actions aimed at the entire Sorbonne Business School community.
- A network of volunteer sentinels among staff and students
One of the first components of SPACE is the formation of a network of sentinels among the staff and student population.
Specifically trained, all of them are privileged relays with their peers, in support of the establishment's prevention cell, to:
- ensure that students and colleagues are welcomed and listened to when they raise a situation of harassment, discrimination, violence or psychosocial risk;
- in this capacity, deliver a mission of information, advice and first-level assistance;
- detect situations of suffering where necessary;
- facilitate referral to the cell or one of its members after agreement from the person concerned;
- collect/transcribe testimonies if necessary and at the request of victims;
- exercise their role while respecting the strictest confidentiality for all facts, information or documents identified in the exercise of their mission.
Students and staff are invited to approach the sentinels in case of need or to contact the cell directly at: cellule.discriharcelement@iae.pantheonsorbonne.frStaff sentinels:
- Sophie AKHTAR - Alternance and taxe d'apprentissage corporate relations officer, office A8
- Melia ARRAS-DJABI - Senior lecturer, office A14
- Paola BERDUGO - Head of Research Department, office D26
- Pierre-Yves LAGROUE - Senior Lecturer, office D25
- Zoé PENNANGUER - Graphic designer, office D14
- Bénédicte POUESSEL - Head of Valorization corporate relations, bureau A15
Sentinels among the student population for the 2023-2024 academic year :
Master of Management Control and Organizational Audit
Master Marketing and Business Practices
- Clara BOUVIER (M1)
Master Finance "Banking"
- Camille LE BLAN (M1)
Master HR & CSR
- Martina BESSI (M1)
- Violette VIGUIÉ (M1)
Master of Supply Chain Management
- Fatma TOUIL (M2)
Doctorate in Management Sciences
- Justine LE FLOCH (2nd year)
- An information campaign
A poster campaign is deployed on the premises of the Sorbonnes Business School to inform about the SPACE scheme and present the resource people to contact.
Composed of five posters echoing the five strands of SPACE, this campaign highlights cell members and sentinels in turn. Several sets of posters will be designed to showcase all of these privileged relays, through a rotation of portraits.
- Awareness-raising activities for all students and staff
Because we are aware of our responsibility to train responsible managers, our students benefit from courses that integrate societal issues into organizations in a cross-disciplinary way.
As one of the higher education establishments committed to the fight against discrimination, harassment and sexist and sexual violence, Sorbonne Business School wanted to go further in raising awareness among its students through specific actions, notably by integrating 6 dedicated hours into training programs from the start of the 2023-2024 academic year.
SPACE commitments
Sorbonne Business School acts to promote respectful and egalitarian behavior towards everyone, via awareness-raising actions aimed at the student community and staff.
Sorbonne Business School has a duty to protect its staff and students from any form of violence, discrimination or psycho-social risk. With this commitment, Sorbonne Business School strongly affirms its values as a humanist and responsible establishment.
Sorbonne Business School wants to help victims feel understood and supported. Members of the dedicated unit and sentinels receive and guide them, in complete confidentiality, towards solutions.
Sorbonne Business School is committed to building a shared culture of respect and equality, where everyone is treated with dignity and where violence, harassment and discrimination are not tolerated.
Sorbonne Business School is working collectively to encourage employees to speak out. The dedicated unit, reinforced by sentinels, is available to receive testimonies and hear victims through a considerate and impartial listening.