Publié le 19/12/2023

Smart city? Technology isn't everything!

Find the new article by Didier CHABAUD, Professor and Director of the Entrepreneuriat Territoire Innovation (ETI) Chair at Sorbonne Business School.

For the past 15 years, local public action has been profoundly impacted by the rise of digital technologies: deployment of fiber optics (Plan France très haut débit), dematerialization of administrative procedures (Action publique 2022 program), opening up of data (Law for a Digital Republic), use of digital as a lever for managing budget austerity, etc.

More generally, society and the economy have also been fundamentally transformed under the influence of digital technology. The former has entered the era of digital culture, while the latter continues to be marked by the success of platforms and the systematization of data exploitation, leading some authors to warn of the risks of "surveillance capitalism".

The digital age is also a time of change.

In this context, French local public players have reacted in particular by seizing on the Anglo-Saxon-origin concept of smart city and declining it in the form of policies of the same name, or more often by translating it under the appellation "smart cities and territories"...

> Consult the full article in french on The Conversation