Publié le 10/07/2023

Our International MBA graduate: an entrepreneur and a humanitarian

Kyra LÜTHI, International MBA graduate at the Sorbonne Business School, is an entrepreneur and BSM Global association's founder. Meeting with our graduate a few days before an important event.


Introduce yourself

My name is Kyra LÜTHI, International MBA graduate at Sorbonne Business School. I am an entrepreneur and a humanitarian BSM Global association's founder.

Why did you choose the Sorbonne Business School?

I have always regarded Sorbonne as a paragon of excellence, aligning perfectly with my unwavering advocacy for equitable, high-quality education. One crucial aspect that holds immense significance for me is the school's commitment to diversity and its global perspective. Having traversed the world extensively due to my professional engagements, I place great importance on being exposed to a myriad of ideas and cultures within every classroom setting. Sorbonne Business School unequivocally fulfills all the criteria I hold dear.

What did the Sorbonne Business School teach you for your associative commitment?

The Sorbonne Business School has given me invaluable knowledge about the civic responsibility of businesses and entrepreneurs, which has reinforced my dedication to engagement with associations. The education I received at Sorbonne has provided me with the necessary knowledge and abilities to address prominent social problems and discover resolutions that promote the growth of both enterprises and communities.

Can you tell us about the BSM Global association, in particular your functions/status and missions?

BSM Global is a private, non-profit organization that fights against gender-based violence through prevention, mitigation, and response.

How did you balance your studies with your community life?

I maintained a balanced academic and community life through building a supportive network, people who understand my goals and believe in me.

Mandela Day takes place on July 18, 2023, is this an important moment for the association?

Our association highly values Mandela Day. For this occasion, we have planned an extensive program centered around sports and advocacy. Its primary objective is to unite communities, organizations, and individuals in their shared mission of tackling gender-based violence and cultivating a much safer society. This event offers a potent opportunity to amplify our endeavors and make lasting impacts.

Since the creation of the association, what have you accomplished?

From the moment our association was founded, we have reached significant achievements in addressing gender-based violence and advancing gender equality. The widespread distribution of our Body Safety Book has successfully educated numerous children and parents on personal boundaries and understanding private body parts. We have introduced our BSM Academy initiative in six countries, delivering comprehensive programming and educational content on gender-based violence via digital literacy. Furthermore, we have implemented corporate governance initiatives that gives responsibility to every gender in the workplace to assume their accountability in fighting sexual harassment at work. During the pandemic, BSM Global was able to distribute 10,000 medical hygiene kits, as well as 5,000 medical hygiene kits to Ukraine recently as well. We take pride in our collaborations with 20 youth-led organizations, which strengthens our joint endeavors and reinforces our effectiveness in combating gender-based violence. These milestones emphasize our resolve to cultivate a world that is both safer and more equitable for all individuals.

Are there other important upcoming events/projects for the association?

BSM Global has several important upcoming events and projects that contribute to our mission. We have ongoing GBV Programming initiatives to raise awareness and support survivors of gender-based violence. Our Body Safety Book focuses on personal boundaries and understanding private body parts, while our Corporate Governance plans promote accountability in fighting workplace sexual harassment. Through the BSM Academy, we deliver comprehensive programming and educational content on gender-based violence via digital literacy. These initiatives reflect our commitment to addressing gender-based violence, promoting gender equality, and creating a safer and more inclusive society.