Senior Lecturer

Doctor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences at the University of Paris Law School, Marianne DOURNAUX specializes in business law, which she teaches to working executives and work-study students.
Domaine(s) d’expertise :
Program management
Director of the Executive MBA Management and Business Administration - evening program
Education Manager
- Responsible for the "Business Law" UE of the Management and Business Administration
- Responsible for the "Legal, tax and financial engineering" UE of the Master Finance "Financial management" and the Master Finance "Banking" work-study
- Responsible for the "Business Law" UE of the Master Finance "Financial Management" and the Master Finance "Banking" work-study
- Responsible for the "Law and performance management" UE in the Master's degree in Brand Management and Communication as a sandwich course
- Responsible for the "Legal, administrative and tax environment" UE in the Master's degree in Management of associations in continuing education
- Responsible for the "Legal, tax and financial engineering" UE of the Master Finance in continuing education
Awards and honors
- 2005 - Prize of the Cercle Montesquieu awarded to the "Best business law book published in 2005"
- 2003 - First prize of theses of the University of Paris