On Monday December 18th, 2023 at 6:30pm, IAE Paris-Sorbonne's Risks Chair is organizing an online roundtable on the topic "The evolving threat landscape and the future of cybercrime". Register now!

6:30pm (french time) - Online
- Risks Chair
- Register
The Risk Chair will host a roundtable discussion where we will envision the future of cybercrime. This panel features leading experts in cybersecurity and cyber threat intelligence, and will delve into emerging challenges and innovative strategies for combatting sophisticated cyber threats. Join us to explore the dynamics shaping cybercrime!
- Dancho Danchev is a pioneer in the field of cyber threat intelligence, with his 25 years of expertise in cybercrime research. He was featured Techmeme, ZDNet, CNN, PCWorld, SCMagazine, TheRegister, NYTimes, CNET, ComputerWorld, H+Magazine, etc, with his research featured at RSA Europe, CyberCamp, InfoSec, GCHQ and Interpol. He specialized in the malicious and fraudulent activities at nation-state and malicious actors across the globe.
- Ronan Mouchoux is an expert in threat intelligence, Entrepreneur and a Telecommunication Engineer with a post-graduate degree in Criminology. Before cofounding XRATOR, he was a cyber-threat intelligence researcher, analyst and investigator for large multi-national companies and for the antivirus industry. He is also adjunct lecturer in threat intelligence and cybersecurity in several French universities and Business Schools.